We have been busy living our lives and celebrating our love, so we haven’t been blogging much. So now, with our 8th anniversary coming up, we are both remedying that.
This year, 2020, We didn’t plan on staying in New Zealand past our normal three months. But then Covid-19 hit and we became locked down here, all flights cancelled and borders closed.
What a wild ride we’ve all been on since March, when the world had to stop, to try to control this pandemic. We have been blessed to be in a safe and sane country during this time and at this moment, there are no new cases and things are beginning to open up again, with a semblance of normalcy.
Throughout this challenging time, I have felt so grateful to be going through this with Landon as my partner. During eight weeks of lockdown, when we were staying at home, sheltering in place, it felt harmonious and good to be together 24/7.
As things began to open up, when we discussed our options, whether or not to try to fly back to California, we have been able to listen to each other and look together to find what seems best.
I went through some real homesickness for my farm in the spring, when we plant the garden and flowers and I celebrate the beauty as my apple trees blossom. Landon listened to me and understood my feelings.
On the other side of those feelings, was the certainty that I was unwilling to risk flying back, if it was at all dangerous. Our lives together are precious and we are of the age that we are urged to be extra careful. We celebrate every day together and so are opting to stay here for now.
In general, I feel so grateful to have the deep and satisfying relationship I have with Landon, which is all that I ever dreamed was possible. As we were talking yesterday, at the beginning of one of our ‘dates’, (which always begin with talking), we were talking about our commitment to each other. Landon said, “one of us will die in the other’s arms.” Powerful, simple and true. We made that commitment to each other, “as long as we both shall live,” in our wedding vows.
I look forward to our ceremony of repeating our vows on June 9th. It won’t be at the Yuba River this year, but we will find a beautiful place here in New Zealand to have our ceremony.
Don’t give up on true love. It is possible.
Stay safe and all the best,