A conversation about and a celebration of love…

As I wake up each day and look over at Landon, I feel so much gratitude. My life feels so perfect. Each day, as we sit and eat outside at the farm, we listen to the birds and admire the tall pines and oaks against the blue sky. When we shower outside, we watch the sun on the leaves and the shadows on the hill that goes down to the creek. We live a wondrous life and I stop often to feel the joy of it and to express my gratitude.

Both Landon and I could have been voted ‘least likely to succeed in happily ever after’, based on our track records. When our paths crossed in 2009, I’d been single for thirty years, just after I took the six-day course from him. After jumping off that mountain on the zip line and (even worse) rappelling down that cliff, I knew that I had to set out onto a different path and live a more authentic life. I was terrified to take those steps, but I’d learned that right on the other side of terror, pure joy, freedom and wild excitement waited.

When Landon came into my life in 2009, he’d been single almost sixteen years and had experienced many different relationships, all ending in ‘not it’. But now it is so clear that our rough start didn’t matter. Our higher selves knew what was right, brought us together and kept us trapped together through all the most difficult junctures.

Hooray for higher selves! Thank God, Goddess that something beyond our ego, monkey minds operates for our higher good.

In the six-day course, Landon created the space for me to take a huge risk in order to find out who I truly was, beyond my fears. At the beginning of our journey of relationship together, again, I had to take a huge risk, to find out who I could be in relationship, in love, beyond my fears. He helped me to do that. Then I helped him back, to face his own fears, (disguised as ‘I wasn’t it’) and we helped each other to find this amazing love.

Now as we celebrate our first anniversary, I feel even more in love with Landon than I was a year ago when we said our vows. Our love feels richer and deeper. We’ve shared more, healed more and trust each other more. Recently, I was expressing frustration with him for being (what felt to me like) a ‘hard –headed male’. Then I laughed and gave him a kiss. “I love you absolutely, even when I feel frustrated with you”. So cool.

It does feel like a fairy tale, where we had to break a ‘spell’ that kept both of us from experiencing true love. And now as we live in the happy ending, I see how little experience I have with living within the joy of the ‘dream come true’.
Exploring that new realm is a journey and adventure that I relish sharing with Landon. It’s pure pleasure! And we’re also excited to share it with you.

So I want to raise the flag of hope, no matter where you are in the love conversation. There is a way through this maze called relationship and Landon and I hope to light some candles along the way.

Wishing you all the best on your journey,

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